Sponsors, Vendors, & Friends
Thanks to our top-notch sponsors, fantastic vendors, and loyal friends for their support of the PA Trail Dogs events!
Our races wouldn’t be what they are without the involvement of these excellent organizations:
The 2016 Hyner Trail Challenge was chosen as part of La Sportiva’s Mountain Cup Race Series.
Steve Geyer (one of the PA Trail Dogs) racing down the Hyner View Trail in his La Sportiva Mutants.
PA Trail Dog Lee Arbogast, ripping up the 2018 Boulder Beast course in his La Sportiva Akashas.
Sarah Keyes (1st place female, 50k) and Quinn Carrasco of La Sportiva at the 2016 Hyner Challenge..
Two of our PA Trail Dogs tied the knot at the top of Hyner View. Their rings arrived at the ceremony bound to their favorite trail shoes — “his and hers” La Sportiva Ultra Raptors.
S.O.B. Hill IPA — named after the unforgiving last climb of the Hyner Trail Challenge!
Our New Trail friends digging alongside the PA Trail Dogs at one of our Hyner work days.
New Trail squad handing out beers (to the adults) and juice pouches at the 2018 Little Loggers Trail Fest.